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AlertGrid – A Different Approach To Monitoring

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AlertGrid - A Different Approach To Monitoring

AlertGrid - A Different Approach To Monitoring

What it does:
AlertGrid solves problem of early notifications on custom events received from systems/scripts/apps/machines. It is entirely up to a user how he is going to feed AlertGrid with events. AlertGrid can no only handle events that occur but also those which did NOT occur. An extremely simple API is exposed to accept events. Currently AlertGrid offers notification by phone, sms and email.

How it beats the competition:
1) It is lightweight and very simple to integrate. An average developer can start feeding AlertGrid with events in a very short time.
2) It can be integrated with any event source, so it allows for creating bespoke monitoring solutions.
3) Notifications (phone, SMS) work world-wide.
4) Once integrated, event handling rules can be easily created and maintained by non-technical people, that do not know anything about integrations, event sources etc.


AlertGrid - A Different Approach To Monitoring, 8.0 out of 10 based on 2 ratings

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