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Pay Me With A Post – PayMeWithAPost.com

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PWAP.comWhat it does:
Allows businesses to customize messages that users can post to their Facebook page in exchange for good or services. Businesses can determine how many Facebook friends a user must have in order to receive their product. In other words, a users Facebook friend count becomes their currency. The more friends…the more stuff you can purchase. Based on research, 78% of customers trust peer recommendations. Only 14% trust business advertisements. This app leverages that statistic as the post is coming from their Facebook “friend”.

How it beats the competition:
Currency is simply providing something of value to a business in exchange for something the consumer values. Businesses value flattering Facebook posts. This app allows businesses to expand their advertising reach via their own customers.



Pay Me With A Post - PayMeWithAPost.com, 8.7 out of 10 based on 9 ratings

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