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Remind My Patients – Send Automated Follow Up Reminders To Your Patients

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What it does:
Some serious health problems can go undetected if not caught early and almost everyone agrees to the usefulness of  regular check ups and follow ups. RemindMyPatients.Net is designed to help doctors and dentists to remind their patients to schedule an appointment to come in for a follow up, check up, or an upcoming appointment via Text Messages, Emails and Automated phone calls. Best part of it all; it takes under 15 seconds to schedule a reminder with our innovative and simple web site. Set it and forget it.

How it beats the competition:
It takes only 30 seconds to register and 15 seconds to set up an appointment with an unbeatable price of $20 a month.


Remind My Patients - Send Automated Follow Up Reminders To Your Patients, 8.0 out of 10 based on 2 ratings

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