What it does:
HappyTODOS is a web based project management software developed by Entagy Web Solutions to help project managers and project based firms manage their projects in a friendly interface and with fun without feeling stressed of their task and priorities to complete. It helps users to focus more on daily task to dos by automatically prioritizing task based on time frame and deadlines set while creating the project.
How it beats the competition:
HappyTODOS helps to focus on list of task. Projects are broken down to smaller task and assigned to each team members. Each task has to be completed within time frame and budget to successfully manage the project. So, it becomes necessary those project tasks are given more importance to complete them without any mistake or error. HappyTODOS lets one to focus more on such task by refining your assigned task based on priorities and showing out only few task that you have to complete each day, so that you can focus on few things rather than multitasking to complete many task and ending up not completing even one properly. Also the dashboard where projects can be created shows you in percentage how much is complete and how much needs to be done along with deadlines as well as estimated time. This helps you to feel comfortable while working as you have everything under your control in your fingertips. Also one great advantage of HappyTODOS is it helps generate real time reports to help managers and executives to know who is working on what, when projects will be complete and how much is the project cost?
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