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A New Way to Discover the Day’s News – Headslinger

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Headslinger.comWhat it does:
headslinger allows you to create a custom news list by news source, with categorization by folder. Its unique algorithm also suggests news sources based on your news consumption habits. Plus, you can see what everyone else is reading.

How it beats the competition:
News browsers are creatures of habit–vising a select group of the same front pages to scan headlines several times per day.  There are tools that aggregate and highlight news on a single-link level (digg, stumbledupon, facebook wall postings), but there is a gap for aggregating and connecting people on the source level.  Additionally, RSS readers are too complex to set up for the average news browser and they don’t provide a level of social interaction or an easy way to discover new content sources.  Headslinger aggregates content beyond the RSS feed, bringing in twitter and facebook activity, to act as a “dashboard” for thew news junkie.





A New Way to Discover the Day's News - Headslinger, 9.6 out of 10 based on 5 ratings

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