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Appifying the Mobile Web – Appticles.Com

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Appticles.comWhat it does:
Appticles.com is a mobile content distribution and monetization platform for small and medium publishers completely based around the concept of Open Web and HTML5.

In other words, we’re helping small and medium publishers (including bloggers) to better reach and target their mobile audience by creating, distributing and monetizing mobile web applications. Currently available for iOS(iPhone,iPad) and Android(smartphones, tablets). Soon to come: FirefoxOS(alpha), Windows Phone 8/RT, BlackBerry 10.

How it beats the competition:
Although both Onswipe.com and Pressly.com are targeting small and medium publishers they’re focusing more on creating a mobile-friendly site and monetizing it only by including ad support.

On the other hand, we enable our publishers to provide a richer mobile experience to their readers by providing mobile web applications on top of their already existing content. We’re focusing on having that native app like look&feel and enable a social reading experience by heavily integrating with Facebook, Twitter and Google+, thus increasing the distribution up to 10 times.





Appifying the Mobile Web - Appticles.Com, 9.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating

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