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Daily Social Coding Trends – CodeHum.com

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CodeHum.comWhat it does:
Every day we monitor and analyze social media seeking for references to some software projects (libraries, components, frameworks) and make a top list of most discussed.
The projects are in the top until they are greatly discussed in social media then they will be replaced by new ones.
5 minutes at CodeHum let you understand an industry trends changings and give you a chance to find the project you’ll want to keep the track of or maybe a really good idea of doing something you’ll want to join.
So, enjoy the best) and nothing more.

How it beats the competition:
5 minutes at CodeHum let you understand an industry trends changings and give you a chance to find the project you’ll want to keep the track of or maybe a really good idea of doing something you’ll want to join.




Daily Social Coding Trends - CodeHum.com, 9.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating

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