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Document Discovery for Law Firms – Logikcull.Com

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Logikcull.comWhat it does:
Logikcull.com is an online document discovery software for businesses and law firms. It’s like Box.com for lawyers, but with a lot more document processing and search capability. Our business customers use Logikcull to dramatically reduce the cost of litigation using Logikcull’s advanced document categorization filters. Our law firm customers use Logikcull to access their case documents from wherever they happen to be.

How it beats the competition:
Logikcull.com is 100% SaaS in the cloud whereas our competitors are legacy (and expensive) install-only software and hardware. And Logikcull has fully automated tasks, like document processing, that used to take days or weeks to do by a highly skilled technician. Overall, Logikcull is a 100x better UX than our competitors’ products simply because they designed their products for the business AND NOT the user.



Document Discovery for Law Firms - Logikcull.Com, 7.2 out of 10 based on 5 ratings

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