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Get Free Things and Give Away Unwanted Items – Freally

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freally.comWhat it does:
At Freally, we are concerned about our earth and we want to do our part by promoting recycling and reuse.

We achieve this by allowing our members to give away their unwanted items to others who may need them.

In return, you can also receive and ask for free items from others.

Through this, we encourage people to reduce the amount of rubbish, make others happy and also make this earth happier.

And let’s face it, who doesn’t want to receive free things?

How it beats the competition:
Our primary competitor is Freecycle network. Freecycle network is, however, an outdated, yahoo-group based system, which is extremely hard to use. Moreover, the whole process of giving and receiving items is complex.

On the other hand, Freally has streamlined and simplified the entire process of giving and receiving, so that there is literally no learning curve in using our website.

Lastly, with a help of the latest technology tools such as Google map and social media tools (Facebook connect, Twitter connect), we are providing our users a much better experience!

Site: http://www.freally.com

Freally - Receive free things, give away unwanted items, make this world a happier place!

Get Free Things and Give Away Unwanted Items - Freally, 7.8 out of 10 based on 10 ratings

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