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Insight What Actually Happens in Your Online Forms – Revrise

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Revrise.comWhat it does:
Form Analytics gives you insight what actually happens in your online forms. Order forms, contact forms and shopping carts are all places where it is super important to make the user feel safe, not bumping into validation errors or problems regarding the format of the input in the fields.
RevRise Form Analytics measures the user activity in those places online, detecting bad fields and tries to provide a solution to those problems looking at best practices and its collected metrics.

How it beats the competition:
It is easy to install, most of the time clocking in at a couple of minutes. The user simply tags a form with a name, and voila she is done.
It is affordable and provides solutions to problems detected.
It works automagically no matter what form you try to track. Ajax forms as well as traditional.
It provides quick support.




Insight What Actually Happens in Your Online Forms - Revrise, 9.7 out of 10 based on 3 ratings

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