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Learn Languages Faster – Lingualia.com

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Lingualia.comWhat it does:
Lingualia is a social network for language learning that applies artificial intelligence to personalize the course to match the exact requirements of each student (with web & iPhone versions).

How it beats the competition:
We understand that the motivation and requirements of every language learner vary dramatically, as does the rate of progression and understanding.
That’s why we have developed Lingu: a virtual teacher, programmed with artificial intelligence, and tailored to each student. Lingu will analyze all aspects of the users’ learning capacities to create a personalized course for each student.

At Lingualia, the student isn’t required to adapt to the course; the course adapts to the student. This achieves a noticeable increase in motivation, and a much faster progress with very little effort.





Learn Languages Faster - Lingualia.com, 9.0 out of 10 based on 3 ratings

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