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Mingleness.Com – Help Your Friends Find Their Love!

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mingleness.comWhat it does:
Mingleness is a place to matckmake your friends with other friends on your Facebook network. If you have a friend who is single and you think he/she will match well with your other friends (or friends’ friends), then Mingleness lets you match them up. This is the perfect way to let your friends know who you think they might go well with.

How it beats the competition:
With Mingleness, there is now no need for you and your friends to log into typical online dating sites, where you have to deal with strangers and awakward introductions through profiles! Plus, let’s face it, there are some strange and weird profiles out there.

Mingleness is a good old, traditional, “let-me-introduce-you-a-great-person” approach to finding potential dates for your friends! As a trustworthy friend, you can honestly (and safely) set two people up and get their opinions before they commit to anything!


Mingleness.Com - Help Your Friends Find Their Love!, 7.5 out of 10 based on 2 ratings

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