What it does:
Airwalk Design is like Pinterest for designers, a creative platform for sharing and collecting design inspiration. We also have fresh, undiscovered writers with specialist knowledge in certain genres of digital design. We call them our ambassadors! Our mission is to inspire and spark thought-provoking reactions in the minds of designers worldwide. The very best of the user-submissions will be published in our magazine. We’re targeting artists and designers with a strong sense of ambition, that can be your everyday designer, those starting out, and the hard-hitting professionals. There’s something for everyone. It’s a place where everybody is equal because of one reason: we all have a mind, and the ability for it to be inspired by somebody else’s work.
How it beats the competition:
We’re great because we cover an interesting range of topics. Our newest writers specialize in Dark-art & Surrealism, Freelancing & Startups, and lastly, Photo-manipulation. Hows that for a combination? Our platform includes optional Dropbox integration, allowing your collected design inspiration to be taken wherever you go. Collect it easier with our in-browser apps.
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