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Send Colorful Tweets Longer Than 140 Characters – Prismtweets

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PrismTweets.comWhat it does:
VIa PrismTweets you can “Send colorful tweets longer than 140 characters with emoticons. Include smiley’s in your tweets to make it more powerful and effective”. PrismTweets allow you to create formatted text, images and smiley and upload it to twitter as image along with your tweet.

How it beats the competition:
1. users can view the color tweets in twitter sidebar without visiting any website
2. they can send tweets with emoticons and smileys
3. they can send a short story or some funny incident in single tweet
4. send well formatted messages that can be viewed in single tweet itself


Send Colorful Tweets Longer Than 140 Characters - Prismtweets, 8.0 out of 10 based on 3 ratings

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