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Sponzu.com – Watch Ads to Fund Ideas!

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Rating: 8.1/10 (7 votes cast)

What it does:
Sponzu.com is a new collaborative way for individuals to promote, share and fund their ideas. This is the first non-cash crowdfunding platform, where people contribute a fraction of their time, not their money. By watching targeted video advertisements, site visitors create revenue that is passed on to ideas they like and want to support.

How it beats the competition:

Sponzu.com is the only non-cash crowdfunding platform. It benefits the idea owners by providing the tools needed to create awareness and fund ideas, the supporters – by allowing to help multiple projects without spending any money, and the advertisers – by dramatically increasing campaign effectiveness and brand perception.


Sponzu.com - Watch Ads to Fund Ideas!, 8.1 out of 10 based on 7 ratings

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