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Assistant That Helps You save, Recollect and Share Your Favorites – Favebucket.Com

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Favebucket.comWhat it does:
Favebucket is the assistant that helps you save, recollect and share your favorites online

Favebucket offers a device independent platform that provides low threshold functionality to assist users in managing their favorite content wherever and whenever they need. It will also offer users the unique property to answer each other’s search for valuable content through network and social discovery/search. Fast, reliable and easy to use.

People need assistance to reduce the effort needed to manage their life with information online, it needs to buy time and it needs to help increase productivity.

How it beats the competition:
UX and design are great
We make private sharing of favorites a breeze
We do not make you pay for multiple task based apps
Favebucket is visually strong, so is the faveboard inside (humans are visual predominantly)
We assist, we dont hand tools





Assistant That Helps You save, Recollect and Share Your Favorites - Favebucket.Com, 7.5 out of 10 based on 4 ratings

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