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Centralize, Organize, Curate and Share Knowledge – Crowdbase

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Crowdbase.comWhat it does:
Crowdbase is your collective memory: the easiest way to centralize, organize, curate and share knowledge about things that matter. Crowdbase acts as a private social network, allowing you to build your own encyclopedia with your team and make learning a collaborative process.

How it beats the competition:
At Crowdbase, we believe enterprise social networks and knowledge management
should be reinvented to make businesses better. This is why we have come up with a simple, easy-to-use, intuitive platform. We beat the competition because we are focused on organization and making relevant content stand out. This helps cut out the noise for all users, because they are able to turn their information into meaningful knowledge.





Centralize, Organize, Curate and Share Knowledge - Crowdbase, 9.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating

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