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Gallery Hosted – Images Gallery Hosting & Sharing

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galleryhosted.comWhat it does:
GalleryHosted is a different and new kind of image hosting platform. Unlike regular image hosting website, it gives the opportunity to users to upload and share complete & browsable pictures gallery. The main keyword here being “browsable”.

Here, the comfort of browsing into a gallery have been fully optimized. Thumbnails are displyed to give a preview of the pictures. With our photo preload system, the user never experience annoying reloading pages. A Grid View option present all previews of the pictures. And a slideshow of the gallery can even be played.

But one of the most interesting option of GalleryHosted is that users can “Download” a complete uploaded gallery without any waiting time. And unlike most file sharing service, no premium account is required. In the sharing code given after upload, the uploader can even choose to display the “Download” button into the forum or website the thumbnails will be posted in. A terrific option for people wishing to share galleries very easily.

Uploading a gallery is childish. No need to pick picture by picture. The user can select several pictures at once, and start uploading. The thumbnails size galleries is customizable. And a name can even be given to a gallery. A bulk URL-upload option is also available.

Of course, to track, organize and edit their galleries, our users can sign up for a free account. The edition are made easy.
Also, GalleryHosted has no limit: No storage limit, no period limit and no bandwidth limit.

How it beats the competition:
Unlike regular image hosting website, it features browsable galleries, downloadable galleries, slideshows and images gallery edition.


Gallery Hosted - Images Gallery Hosting & Sharing, 7.9 out of 10 based on 7 ratings

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