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Instamapsearch – Shows The Nearest Hotels, Restaurants, Bars, Gas, Etc. At Any Location.

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instamapsearch.comWhat it does:
Do you want to know the nearest available parking areas in a certain location? Are you looking for some nearest bars from your hotel? Are you searching for some “wifi signals” on your destination? Are you abroad and you want to know the current weather back home? Instamapsearch might be able to help.

How it beats the competition:
Instamapsearch.com is a simple web application where users can search instantly for nearest hotels, bars, clinics, restaurants, parking, etc. on a certain location. As the user starts typing, the application updates the chosen category for nearest points and at the same time the Google Map. So if the user wants to search on another location again, all he/she needs to do is to start typing again and everything automatically updates.


Instamapsearch - Shows The Nearest Hotels, Restaurants, Bars, Gas, Etc. At Any Location., 9.4 out of 10 based on 5 ratings

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