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PartyTell – Find a Party. List a Party.

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PartyTell.comWhat it does:
PartyTell is an entertainment source for events and parties going on throughout the USA. We offer promoters and event planners the option to list and promote their events for free through our website. We make it easy for local residents or visitors of a city to find out what is going on in that city. Users can find events by simply choosing a city and state, in which the name of event, location, and additional information is given.

How it beats the competition:
We market PartyTell as being user-friendly and an informative source without being an annoying source. While Facebook offers events, you often hear people complaining about receiving unwanted invites and messages about events they are not going to attend. With PartyTell, you search for events in a city and state that you want to attend. We make it very easy to find an event that may interest you, not annoy you about events that you have no interest in.


PartyTell - Find a Party. List a Party., 9.3 out of 10 based on 16 ratings

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