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Project Tracking, Presented Beautifully – Updatey.com

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Updatey.comWhat it does:
Updatey (http://updatey.com) focuses on helping you submit project updates and visualize them in a way your team, clients, investors or just about anybody can understand. Whether you’re building a website, constructing a house, launching a new business or writing a Hollywood film. If your project has a start date and people that care about its progress, you’re ready to go!

How it beats the competition:
Updatey doesn’t care about managing tasks and assigning them to people, it doesn’t care about sprints and it definitely doesn’t care about ‘how’ you work (Agile or otherwise). All Updatey cares about, is ensuring that you’re able to present in a clear, concise and engaging way exactly where you are in the overall timeline of a project, what has been achieved so far and what still remains to be done.





Project Tracking, Presented Beautifully - Updatey.com, 8.7 out of 10 based on 3 ratings

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