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Simple and Free Tool to Share Ideas and Make Group Decisions – Stickymoose

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Stickymoose.comWhat it does:
StickyMoose is a simple and free tool to share ideas and make group decisions with your friends.
Why?  Well, if you want to organize a social activity with your friends, you often need to agree on the what, when and where.  For example, where are we going out next weekend?  Or, which birthday present should we buy for our friend Tom?
Nowadays we use email and social media to share ideas and try to reach consensus.  Unfortunately, that’s just not efficient.  Before you know it, your mailbox is flooded by a tsunami of replies-on-replies.
To get rid of these email tsunamis, we’ve built StickyMoose (www.stickymoose.com).  It allows you to put any question (what needs to be decided) online, invite your friends to share their ideas and vote on each other’s ideas.  It’s a more efficient way to reach a decision.  And because every participant can share his own ideas, StickyMoose is different from traditional tools for polls and voting.

How it beats the competition:
It’s free, fast and no registration is required. Unlike Doodle or other poll sites, all participants can add ideas and vote on each other’s ideas





Simple and Free Tool to Share Ideas and Make Group Decisions - Stickymoose , 8.3 out of 10 based on 6 ratings

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