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Social Network Website for Trading Community – Stockoy

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STOCKOY.comWhat it does:
Specialty of Stockoy

Stockoy has developed a new communication system that helps Stock Market people,Traders,Agents, Brokers,Franchise Managers in a faster and effective way .Here you can get Real Time Messaging system that performs public interactions and Private Messaging with Multi Country Support options.

How it beats the competition:
The various options give rise to four possible strategic positions that determine how stockoy can
gain and sustain competitive advantage is Low-cost leadership and Focused differentiation . In Current Situation there is
no real time fast messaging system that communicates with public and there is no chance for private messages to share
globally across social networks with Multi country support options in fast manner uniquely to Everyone.





Social Network Website for Trading Community - Stockoy, 8.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating

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