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Splore – Making Social Meaningful

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splore.comWhat it does:
Splore takes social networking, crowd-sourcing, and knowledge sharing to a whole new level. The web revolution created an explosion of websites. And that information overload led to a greater dependence on search engines, question and answer sites, and discussion forums. Today, the focus is turning to individuals, and empowering each of us to connect with the right people and the right information, at just the right time – leveraging location services where appropriate. Splore helps people pursue the things that are most important in life – their passions, causes, hobbies…by helping to leverage the increasing wealth of data and knowledge available around the world.

How it beats the competition:
Splore is uniquely positioned to provide a safe, social & mobile peer-to-peer experience focused less about searching for information or getting answers to discrete questions, and instead centered on creating long-term personal relationships among those with shared interests.  Privacy is protected by default within Splore, and ensures a safe environment to interact with people you have likely never met before.  Questions come and go, information is hard to search and validate, but relationships last a lifetime.  And enabling these through mobile platforms facilitates frequent, daily engagement.


Splore - Making Social Meaningful, 9.3 out of 10 based on 7 ratings

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