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StudyBoost.com – Study Using Interactive Text Messaging

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studyboost.comWhat it does:
StudyBoost.com enables students to study using interactive SMS and IM. Reserved keywords such as next, repeat and answer enables students to interact with their batch naturally. StudyBoost also allows students to work on a batch together(team work), share a batch with classmates(friendship), copy and paste blocks of questions from other sources(easy creation), set a time delay to receive Q&A’s(convenience) and study using SMS, facebook chat, MSN, Gchat and many more(social media). Below is a sample communication between Studyboost and a student using text messaging:

StudyBoost: 32. What is the capital of New York
me: Albany
StudyBoost: Correct

How it beats the competition:
StudyBoost.com beats the competition by enabling students to study using a tool they love and can’t stay with out, which is text messaging! Also its 100% free to use and can be used on any phone regardless if its a smart phone or regular phone.


StudyBoost.com - Study Using Interactive Text Messaging, 8.8 out of 10 based on 5 ratings

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