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Worksnaps – Verifiable Time and Work Tracking

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worksnaps.netWhat it does:
Worksnaps is a unique service that provides time tracking with visual and verifiable work evidences. By using Worksnaps Client, a program running on users’ desktop, the users’ work activities are sampled and sent to the server. We call them “worksnaps”. Each “worksnap” represents 10 minutes of work, and consists of a screenshot, the number of key strokes and mouse clicks, the sequence of active applications, and optionally a webcam shot. By the series of “worksnaps”, a user can prove his work on the tasks he has worked on, therefore facilitate more accurate time tracking. On the other hand, a manager can review the “worksnaps” submitted by the user and verify the user’s time and work.

Worksnaps is nicely integrated with the leading project management and invoicing services such as Basecamp, Huddle, Freshbooks, Harvest and etc. Worksnaps can be easily configured to retrieve the projects and tasks from those services and log time against them. The logged time can then be synchronized back to those services (we currently supports Basecamp and Freshbooks for time synchronization with more integrations coming). As a result, Worksnaps can effectively work as a extended time tracking module to the popular services such as Basecamp.

Worksnaps also has useful features to allow end users to set up filters to control what to capture and define the behaviors of the client program. It strikes a balance between transparency and privacy.

Overall, Worksnaps is a tool for better time tracking, more accurate billing, higher productivity and customer trust.

How it beats the competition:
Almost all the existing time tracking solutions are of self-reporting nature. This means that there is no way for the time to be verified. Worksnaps provides a much more accountable way to track time and work.


Worksnaps - Verifiable Time and Work Tracking, 8.8 out of 10 based on 22 ratings

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