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Your Buzz, Your Way – Voicebee.Com

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VoiceBee.comWhat it does:
VoiceBee is an online buzzboard to share “buzz” from around the web or from your life.

This new social site allows members to share and follow each other’s interests launched on March 1, 2013. Members can post up pictures, videos, and chats which their fellow members can comment on.  Signing up is free and is open to anyone interested.

How it beats the competition:
VoiceBee does not limit their members to just share what they love (buzz) from around the web.  Members are also encouraged to share what they love from their lives.  In addition, members can let their VoiceBee heard by starting or joining conversations.





Your Buzz, Your Way - Voicebee.Com, 9.5 out of 10 based on 2 ratings

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