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HealthInsuranceQuote.comWhat it does:
Fast and free service which provides multiple quotes for easy comparison in a single go.

Quotes are obtained from leading American medical insurance carriers.

Our independent guides and expert FAQs empower users from all over the US to make independent choices on the right health insurance plan for their needs and circumstances, while still saving on premiums.

How it beats the competition:
HealthInsuranceQuotes.me brought a unique mixture of industry professionals together:
founded by Steven, digital publishing expert and strategist for several daily newspapers in Europe, incubator for topical portals and startups.

Written by

Desiree – licensed agent in not less than 46 states of the US and celebrity of the insurance blogosphere

Mary – journalist, provides agent services among other occupations as well, former assistant commissioner of the NJ department for banking and insurance

Last but not least the quote engine is powered by one of America’s most renown technology provider in the industry.





HealthInsuranceQuotes.me, 8.8 out of 10 based on 5 ratings

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