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Login Without Typing Anything – Loitr.In

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Loitr.inWhat it does:
Loitr is a new way to login to websites, without typing anything. This is a huge improvement over the current username password based logins because of the problems with them which are becoming more and more evident.
Choosing strong passwords often require lowercase, uppercase, special characters. A lot of users don’t share the understanding of that much complexity. With Loitr, you don’t need to choose a password as there are no usernames or passwords in the system.

How it beats the competition:
Loitr is a 2-Factor authentication mechanism, which means an attacker needs access to the Loitr app password, and the victim’s phone to complete a successful compromise. This is an improvement over conventional 1-Factor web logins(attacker only needs to know the password). Also, Loitr doesn’t ever get to know the real usernames or passwords of the users of a 3rd party service using Loitr. This is so because Loitr doesn’t use usernames and passwords in its process anywhere. Since there are no real usernames or passwords, they never get on the wire or are stored anywhere, which prevents against a lot of attack scenarios like, keylogging, sniffing, and other such man-in-the-middle attack vectors.





Login Without Typing Anything - Loitr.In, 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating

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