What it does:
Explore.To has almost 17m business listings covering the United States.
A unique relevancy algorithm using Facebook, “Likes” as a ranking factor, they call it, Explore Rank Influencer, (ERI). Users of Explore.To can directly influence the ranking of Explore.To organic results with the Facebook, “Like” button. A truly social driven local search engine.
An aggregate of local data with enrichment from, Flickr, foursquare, Instagram, Twitter and the CityGrid API.
Amazon hosted scalable architecture, using EC2, with a built from scratch platform.
Revenue is driven by a freemium advertising model and Google Adsense.
How it beats the competition:
Explore.To isn’t afraid of displaying their competition, in fact, it gives users an aggregate view of businesses from one destination.
Using a third party to rank business listings, (Facebook Likes) means organic results are impartial and logically, should present users with the, “best” results in each category/search results page.
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